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KSIS International Conference-India in Asia Dec 8-9 2017

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 1592

India in Asia: International Conference Commemorating 70 Years of Independence of India and 43rd Regular Conference of Korean Society for Indian Studies Inc.


Date: Friday, December 8th ~ Saturday, December 9th, 2017

Venue: Youngwon Hall, Seoul National University Asia Center


Cohosted by the Korean Society for Indian Studies, Inc.

Indian Cultural Exchange Research Institute, Tongmyong University; Seoul National University Asia Center; World Naturopathic Medicine Forum Inc.; Institute of Indian Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Managed by the Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations, Seoul National University

Supported by the Indian Embassy, Seoul; National Research Foundation of Korea; Hyanggiroun Donghaeng, Inc.; Hae-in Jeongsa





This too shall pass,’ and there is no further truth. It was only while ago when the hot and humid weather succumbed to fall, and already chilly winds have begun passing through each morning. The whole nation was in uproar over North Korea’s nuclear weapons and terror in the US, and this too has passed. We pray that such disturbances of nature may never happen again.

We cordially invite you to our International Conference commemorating the 70th year of Independence of India. With the theme of “India in Asia”, this conference will be co-hosted by the Korean Society for Indian Studies Inc., Indian Cultural Exchange Research Institute of Tongmyong University, Seoul National University Asia Center, the World Naturopathic Medicine Forum Inc., and the Institute of Indian Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, and managed by the Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations, Seoul National University.

We will be discussing the role and prospects of India in the fields of Asian politics, society, religion, medicine and asceticism since the 1940s, as well as the exchanges between ancient India and Korea with a focus on Gaya Buddhism. We hope that you may join us at this celebration and experiments of the ‘Eternal truth(Sanatana Dharma)’. 


November 15, 2017

In anjali mudra,

Geo-Lyong Lee, President, Korean Society for Indian Studies Inc.






Friday, December 8th, 2017


1:00-1:30          Registration


1:30-2:00          Opening Ceremony

-     Opening: Professor Geo-Lyong Lee, President of KSIS, Sun Moon University

-     Welcoming Speech: Juhyung Rhi, Dean, College of Humanities, Seoul National University

-     Congratulatory Remarks: His Excellency Mr. Vikram Doraiswami, Ambassador of India to Korea

-     Congratulatory Remarks: Professor Jung Hong Sub, President, Tongmyong University

-     Greetings: Director of Seoul National University Asia Center, Professor Park, Soo Jin;

Director, Institute of Indian Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies,

Professor Chanwahn Kim;

Chief Priest of Haein Jeongsa, Ven. Sujin (Kim, Hyung Ul)

-     Introduction of Guests


2:00-2:10          Photography Session


2:10-2:40           Keynote Speech 1

-     Professor S.R. Bhatt (Chairman for the Indian Council of Philosophical Research; Chairman of the Indian Philosophical Congress), “Cultural Interface between India and Korea and the Role of Queen Heo”


2:40-3:10          Keynote Speech 2

-     Professor Woojo Kim (Department of Hindi, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies), “Studies of Indian Literature in Asia: From the Perspective of a Korean Scholar”


3:10-3:30          Tea and Refreshments


3:30-5:30          Panel 1: India in Asia

-     Chair: Professor Jwaheum Baek (Gyungsang University)

o   Professor Balaganapathi Devarakonda (University of Delhi) “The Dynamics of Hinduism in Thailand: A Study of Past 70 years”. Discussant: Professor Eungu Lee (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

o   Professor Jiang Jingkui (Center for South Asian Studies, Peking University), “Sino-Indian relations from 1950 onward”. Discussant: Dr. Ananda Karunarathne (Colombo University, Sri Lanka)

o   Professor Jitendra Uttam (School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University), “Shifting Contours of India’s Asian Relations: Domestic Constraints vs. International Opportunities”. Discussant: Dr. Yeonjeong Ji (Harvard University).

o   Dr. Choongjae Cho (Korea Institute for International Economic Policy), “Modinomics and Korea-India Economic Cooperation”. Discussant: Professor Sooncheol Lee (Busan University of Foreign Studies).


6:00-                 Welcoming Dinner, SNU



Saturday, December 9th, 2017


9:30-10:00        Registration and Tea


10:00-12:00       Panel 2: “Gaya, Buddhism, India: Exchanges between Ancient Civilizations”


-     Chair: Professor Geo-Lyong Lee (Sun Moon University)

o   Professor G. Mishra (University of Madras), “Journey of Dhamma: from India to Korea: Retrospecting into the Buddhist Historiography of Cultural Interaction”. Discussant: Dr. Choi, Kyung Ah (Dongguk University)

o   Mr. Gi-moon Yang, “Exploring the possibility of the interchange of Kaya Buddhism with Tamil Buddhism in India in the first century?Based on similarity between Korean and Tamil”. Discussant: Professor Yun, Jong Gap (Dong-A University). 

o   Dr. Jung-il Hwang (Academy of Buddhist Studies, Dongguk University), “Review about an inflow of Southern Buddhism in Gaya Buddhism: Focusing on the Buddhist terms and transliteration words mentioned in Reminiscence of Three Kingdoms”. Discussant: Professor Jaejin Jang (Tongmyong University).

o   Mr. Daisung Han (Dongguk University), “Position of Ancient Korea Reviewed through Royal Intermarriage with Global Empire?Western Princess Hur from Ayodhya”. Discussant: Professor Kwon, Gihyun (Uiduk University).



12:00-1:00         Lunch, SNU



1:00-2:45          Panel 3: “The Ayurveda and the Meditative Tradition in India”


-     Chair: Mr. Yongshik Hwang, Independent Scholar of Indian Philosophy

o   Dr. Manshik Kong (King’s College), “Two ways of controlling Food craving: sensory aversion and cognitive aversion”. Discussant: Dr. Pilseop Ahn (Dongguk University)

o   Dr. Rajiv Bhatt (MD, Independent Scholar), “Ayurveda and Medical Ethics”. Discussant: Professor Travis L. Smith (Seoul National University).

o   Professor Misuk Kim (Dongguk University), “A Standpoint of Ayurveda about Health and Disease of the Mind and Body”. Discussant: Professor Meesook Cheong (Dongbang Culture University)  

o   Mr. Youngil Lee, “Did the Buddha get into cross-legged posture?” Discussant: Professor Junbo Sim (Geumgang University)



1:00-2:45 Roundtable: “Great Transition in India: A Korean Perspective on Indian Studies” (Room 303)

-     Chair: Professor Chanwahn Kim (HUFS)

Presenters for Roundtable: Dr. Jiyeon Choe, Dr. Myungnam Kang, Dr. Yongjeong Kim, Dr. Jihoon Lee, Dr. Misu Kim (Institute of Indian Studies, HUFS)



2:45-3:00           Tea and Refreshments


